Introduction to Tidus Swap & Aggregator

Your Tidus Wallet is not just a simple cryptocurrency wallet used to store assets, it also serves as your gateway to web3 and as a way to interact with other tools and applications built in the Tidus Ecosystem. Your Tidus Wallet gives you access to the Tidus Swap/Aggregator which gets the best prices from multiple DEXs and chooses the best overall price for your swap.

How the Tidus Swap works

The Swap feature in your Tidus wallet allows you to exchange one type of cryptocurrency for another. It finds the best price for your swap and executes it securely on the blockchain.

When you initiate a swap, Tidus uses our homegrown API to find the best price available for the swap you want to make. It checks popular exchanges like 0xProtocol/Matcha and 1inch (on Ethereum mainnet) or just 0xProtocol (on Ethereum L2s) to ensure you get the best deal.

How the Tidus Aggregator works

Once you confirm the swap, a transaction is sent to the blockchain, specifically to a smart contract called the Aggregator. This contract handles the actual swapping of your tokens. It deducts a small fee of 0.45% for the service and sends the swapped tokens back to you. If there's any leftover gas token (like Ether or Matic), it also returns it to you.

The Tidus Swap feature allows you to easily and securely exchange cryptocurrencies at the best available price, with a small fee for the service.

How to swap assets on Tidus Wallet

In order to swap on Tidus Wallet all you need to do is go to the "Swap" route, once there follow these steps:

Step 1: On the next screen you will see TidusSwap

Step 2: Once selected choose the assets you would like to swap

Step 3: Once done hit "Continue" and swipe to commence the swap

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